TYSA extends a special thank you to Academy Sports + Outdoors for their continued support and encourages you to click the link above to shop Academy.com or visit their store at 1101 Walton Drive, Texarkana, TX 75501.
FYI on how teams are assembled. Some coaches come to the league with a complete team. Some coaches come to the league with half a team and need TYSA to add a couple of players. The rest of the teams are made up of the remaining players. We do our best to group those players according to school district.
TYSA cant complete the rosters until registration closes. We cant complete the teams until we have enough coaches and we cant complete the schedule until ALL teams are sanctioned by USA Softball.
Call or text Charlotte Gordon at 903-701-0664 if any questions regarding registration and be sure to follow Texarkana Youth Softball Association of Facebook for season updates.
Coaches can click the link below to schedule fields at Pondexter
Coaches text Kaitlynn Brewer @ 903-278-0369 to schedule fields at Karrh Park
TYSA is always looking for volunteers. We’d love for you to join us in serving Texarkana and softball families from all over the four states area. Please complete the registration below if interested in helping at TYSA.
The Registration "Home" is not currently available.
Coaches can click the link to complete a background check and get SafeSport certified
Please see the ‘Teams & Schedule’ tab during the season to see team names, schedules, and rosters. Follow us on Facebook for the most current updates. You’re also encouraged to see the calendar below and check the ‘Tournament’ tab on tournament dates.
Click the link above to learn more about Texarkana Arkansas Baseball
$5,000 going back into our community thanks to the success of First Responders Appreciation Tournament
Click the ‘shop now’ button above if interested in repping some TYSA gear. It’s really good quality stuff, like Nike and Under Armour, at a fair price shipped to you within days. Hats, hoodies, dry-fit; you name it and all can be personalized with player names and numbers. Teams are welcome to contact Charlotte Gordon at 903-701-0664 if interested in uniforms or creating team-specific apparel/fan gear.
For newcomers, welcome to USA Softball and thank you for choosing TYSA. For returning guests, welcome back and thank you for your continued support.
We're looking forward to a great season and can't wait to get started. Please follow-us on Facebook or revisit www.texarkanasoftball.com for updates and announcements.
TYSA appreciates your time and talents. Legendary basketball coach John Wooden is credited with saying "a good coach can change a game, but a great coach can change a life". Thank you for putting the interests of our players first.
Each team is allowed up to 20 players, (1) head coach, and (2) assistant coaches. All Coaches must be SafeSport certified and pass a background check.
COACH PITCH - Age 5 to 8
FAST PITCH - Age 9 to 16
Click the link above if need to make a TYSA payment, but please be sure to cite clear description in notes on what the payment is for
We accept debit and credit cards at the concession stand. Coaches can pay TYSA team fees, tournament fees, and shirt orders online using PayPal.
Where do we play? Ermer Dansby Pondexter Sports Complex at 1000 Dudley Street, Texarkana, AR and William Karrh Memorial Park at 2102 South Ann Street, Texarkana, TX
What's included in the registration fee? Insurance on the player, processing fees, umpires, and scorekeepers.
Any other expenses? Uniforms. Your team will decide on uniforms
What type of cleats? Plastic/molded only (no spikes)
What size ball? 11" for 10u and below. 12" for 12u and up.
What kind of bat? Make sure your bat has USA/ASA stamp on it
Any other equipment? Cleats, glove, fielders mask (optional), and batting helmet
What's the cutoff date? Whatever age the player is on August 31st
Distance between bases? 60' for everybody except 6u, which are set at 45'
Distance to the plate? 25' for 6u. 35' for 8u and 10u. 40' for 12u. 43' for 14 and up.
Distance to the fence? 200'
2021 First Responders Tournament- $1,800 donation to Texarkana Arkansas Police Department
2021 First Responders Tournament- $1,800 donation to Texarkana Arkansas Fire Department
TYSA extends a special thank you to Academy Sports + Outdoors for their continued support and encourages you to click the link above to shop Academy.com or visit their store at 1101 Walton Drive, Texarkana, TX 75501.
TYSA appreciates Elizabeth Foster and USA Softball for their support of TYSA and District 7 softball. Thank you!
Click the link above to access our Facebook page
Click link above to access NCAA Schedules & Scores
Click the link above for Texarkana, AR Parks & Rec
Please click the link above for Texarkana, TX Parks & Rec
Phone: 903-288-3877
Vice President
Phone: 903-949-9444
Phone: 903-280-3050
Phone: 903-276-3447
Registration Coordinator
Phone: 903-701-0664
Karrh Park Field Scheduler
Phone: 903-278-0369
12U Commissioner
Phone: 903-293-7595
10U Commissioner
Phone: 903-748-2280
8U Commissioner
Phone: 870-648-9416
6U Commissioner
Phone: 903-490-9684
14//16 Commissioner
Phone: 903-278-0369